Spring has sprung and yard sale season has begun!
My mother and I always said yard sale season officially kicked off on the first weekend of April. I mean if football, deer, and Christmas can have a season why can’t yard sales? Although we would and I still go to sales year round. It seems so busy when the weather gets pretty. Come the middle of summer there are close to 100 sales every weekend in my area. As long as I can remember my mother would drag me to flea markets, yard sales, etc. My first husband’s grandmother loved to go to sales as much as my mother. They use to drive around to all of the sale on Friday’s and Saturday’s., I would tag along on Saturday’s. We were wild in a good way and we always had the best time. Sometimes we would laugh till we cried. We drove to some very interesting areas, places we never dreamed existed. We really would have been dangerous if we would had a GPS. Instead we drove around with laminated maps of all of the local towns and still managed to get lost sometimes. But my favorite part of our y...