Estate Sale
304 Goldcamp Street, Ironton OHIO
Thursday & Friday 9 to 4
Saturday 9 to 2
Antique Bird's Eye Maple Bedroom Suit, Chest, Dresser, Couch, Antique Drop Leaf Table, Antique Washstand, Eastlake Chair, 32" Flatscreen tv, Refrigerator, Lighthouse Collection, Lamps, Tools, Sewing Machine, Glassware, Holiday Decor, Cedar Chest, household & Vintage Kitchen misc.
If you are in search of reliable and latest news about Boston estate sales then you can contact us for any type of real estate and antique auctions done here in Massachusetts and New England area. Our auctioneer Wayne is having over thirty years of experience in the field of auction of antiques, estates, estate liquidations, estate appraisals, consignments and estate sales.