
Showing posts from February, 2013

Estate Sale February 21st, 22nd, & 23rd 2013

Living Estate Sale 611 Sunset Drive (bellefonte heights) Directions: take Country Club drive to Stoneybrook and follow signs Thursday & Friday 9 to 4 Saturday 9 to 2 Everything in this home is very nice quality and has been well taken care of....Dining Room Suit, Couches, Cherry Chest, Barrister Bookcase, Tables, Shelves, Chairs, Guns, Lamps (including hand painted fenton lamp), Glassware (Fenton, Crystal, etc), Pottery (Roseville, Hull, etc), Holiday decor, patio furniture & decor, Tools, Garage & Outdoor Misc, Signed & Number prints (includes P. Buckley Moss, Ben Hampton, Ray Harm, Paul Sawyier, Nellie Meadows, etc), watercolor by Joyce Williams, linens, quilts, beauty salon furniture, very nice quality women's clothing and accessories, Books & Cookbooks, Dishes, household misc, Kitchen misc, and much more! Hope to see you there!

Most unusual pick winner #2

From another writer that wishes to remain anonymous... About four years ago I bought out a condemned house. It wasn't your typical walk in, pack it, load it out. It was more like cirque du soleil with sumo wrestlers. The house was falling in around us. With every step you worried is this going to send me through the floor? With no electricity you didn't know what you were stepping on, grabbing, etc and sometimes you didn't want to see. The best thing we dug out was an old trunk. The thing was heavy and it took two of us to drag it down from the attic. I even braced myself against the stairway wall and fell through it at one point. Thank god I was almost to the bottom. After all of the trouble of getting it down 2 flights of stairs we barely had the energy to cut the lock off. Once we cut the lock we found all sorts of wonderful treasure. It was a pilots' entire career from WWII we found in that trunk. Diaries, letters to and from home, his leather bomber...