Estate Sale December 3, 4, & 5, 2015 -- Wheelersburg, OH

Estate Sale 884 Sugar Camp Road, Wheelersburg, OH (Follow signs from downtown wheelersburg exit) Thursday & Friday 9 to 4 Sat 9 to 4 Great sale full of all kinds collectibles & great household items Recliner, Display Showcase, Glass Gun Cabinet, Couch, antique full size bed, Primitive Tools, Linens, Home Interior HOMCO Denim Days Figurines, Vintage Beer Can Collection, Medical scooter, Lots of Christmas, Refrigerators, Dresser, Twin Bed, Stained Glass Sheets, Feed Scale, Cast Iron Pots, Yard Art, Eagle & Native American Decor, Vintage Electric Stove, Longaberger, Linens, Canning Supplies, Lots of Kitchen Misc, Lamps, Jewelry, Household Misc! Lots to see you wont want to miss this one! For more pictures click the link below!