
Showing posts from February, 2012

And the answer is...

Well first off i'd like to thank everyone for the creative answers I've had and I did have one answer that was correct. This is an embalming pump by CM Sorensen Co. Inc. This dates around 1920's-1930's. It's pretty self explanatory what it was used for. It's a little different and I'm sure you won't see them often. This is JB's latest restoration project but I believe he plans to keep it. He is currently looking for parts if any of you run into some he is interested.

What is it? A guessing game

We aren't having a sale this week and I'm off for a few days on a buying trip but I thought I would test the knowledge of my readers. Please submit your answers to the blog, on Facebook, or email me at I will give the answer Wednesday evening. If I have multiple winners I will draw a name of those winners and that person will win a $10 Reggie's Attic gift certificate good at the store or any Reggie's Attic estate sale. So here goes. This piece is currently being restored and the tubing should be longer but it is still intact for you to see what it is. So what is it?