
Showing posts from August, 2010

And the answer is...

I want to thank everyone for their responses I received in the comments section as well as what I received via e-mail and one on one. So the answers are... #1 is a Salt Cellar. I sell tons of these and I seemed to be asked most often what are they. They come in many size, shapes, materials, colors, etc. There is a fabulous reference book out called "5000 Salt Cellars". #2. is an ivory Medication powder holder. This piece the lid and or base unscrew to place your powder medication in. #3. This is a Bronze Death Certificate and other important document holder that you want to be buried with. This was made by the Belmont Company. I don't believe they really use these anymore because most coffins have storage areas designed to hold your papers now. But this would have been placed in the coffin with you. #4. This is a chest for Machinest Tools. Yes this is solid oak and EXTREMELY heavy when full of tools. #5. Is an Etrog holder. This one was custom made and the ...

What's This???

My daughter will be 3 in November and right now is in the most curious stage of her life. It feels like a million times a day I hear “What’s this?” So I thought this week I would have a little fun with my readers and see if they can identify a few items. Even if you don’t know, just take a guess. I’m curious what kind of creative minds I have attracted. (I will give a few clues) 1. This first item I sell at almost all of the antique shows. But it seems to strike the most conversation between me and customers. I am probably asked at least 10 times during a show weekend. “What is that?” 2.This very small item is made of Ivory and is quite old. *Note the top and bottom unscrew.* 3. This is made of brass and is the one thing you will take with you when you go. 4. This is small chest of many drawers. 5.This item can be constructed of various materials. This particular one is sterling silver and comes in three pieces. This measures 10” l x 5 ½” h x 7”w. Now its your turn to ...

Where are the 50 hour days? VENTING TIME!!!

The last few weeks have almost been unbearable and unbelievable and there is no end in sight. This week will be the third of five estate sales in a row. Between estate family members suing each other, one of my main workers being sick and not being able to work, the daily triple digit heat indexes while digging out attics and garages, one of my A/C units going out at home, my toddler wants to potty train….and did I mention in the middle of these escapades that my warehouse was broken into and I lost $8K to $10K worth of merchandise, equipment, and scrap metal. While being thrown into the middle of other families problems and drama I keep telling myself, “I love my job?” Oh and what about my shows I have to pack, repack, repair two flat tired trailers, price, clean glassware, fix furniture, iron & launder linens/vintage clothing, pack my own personal bags. And did I mention “I love my job?” Then I have the mall and little issues there such as buying stolen merchandise, shop lift...

Our Fall 2010 Show Schedule

Fall is quickly approaching us and I can’t wait. I always consider Labor Day to be opening season for our fall shows. Here are the shows where we will be set up during the fall show season as well as other well noted shows we won’t be able to attend this year. So if you want a great weekend get away, why not visit some of these fabulous shows. As the shows happen each week we will post pictures and stories from each location. To at least bring you some of what we find and our good time together. Sept. 3rd thru Sept. 6th The Kentucky Flea Market located at Freedom Hall in Louisville, KY. This is well worth traveling. The antiques section of the flea market is only open twice a year during Labor Day & New Years. Its an unbelievable crowd of vendors and buyers. Sept. 10th thru Sept. 12th Oct. 8th thru Oct. 10 Nov. 12th thru Nov. 14th Dec. 10th thru Dec.12th (Held the 2nd weekend of every month) If you are in the Atlanta area thi...